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mandag 15. april 2024

Barn og unge

Aldersgrupper i Mesh

Infant, Newborn= 0-28 dager
Infant= 1-23 måneder
Pediatrics= birth to adolescence
Neonatology= newborn infant
Perinatology= twenty-eighth week of gestation and ends twenty-eight days after birth
Child, Preschool= 2-5 år
Child= 6-12 år
Adolescent= 13-18 år
Young adult= 19-24 år

Aldersgrupper i Psycinfo

100 Childhood (birth to 12 yrs)
120 Neonatal (birth to 1 mo)
140 Infancy (2 to 23 mo)
160 Preschool Age (2 to 5 yrs)
180 School Age (6 to 12 yrs)
200 Adolescence (13 to 17 yrs)
300 Adulthood (18 yrs & older)
320 Young Adulthood (18 to 29 yrs)
Obs: ("120" or "140" or "160" or "180").ag. gir færre treff enn "100".ag.

Spedbarn (0-2år)

Medline: exp infant/ or exp pediatrics/
Embase: exp infant/ or pediatrics/ or toddler/
Psycinfo: Pediatrics/ or "120".ag
Cinahl: (MH "Infant") or (MH "Infant, Newborn") or (MH "Pediatrics+")
Tekstord: (pediatric* or paediatric* or perinatology or neonatology or infant? or Suckling? or newborn? or "new born" or neonat* or "neo nat*" or toddler*)

Ytterligere tekstord til utprøving:
(((age or aged) adj ("1" or "2" or one or two or "3 month*" or "three month*" or "4 month*" or "four month*" or "5 month*" or "five month*" or "6 month*" or "six month*" or "7 month*" or "seven month*" or "8 month*" or "eight month*" or "9 month*" or "nine month*" or "10 month*" or "ten month*" or "11 month*" or "eleven month*" or "12 month*" or "twelve month*")) or (("1" or "2" or one or two) adj ("year* old" or "yr* old")) or (("3 month*" or "three month*" or "4 month*" or "four month*" or "5 month*" or "five month*" or "6 month*" or "six month*" or "7 month*" or "seven month*" or "8 month*" or "eight month*" or "9 month*" or "nine month*" or "10 month*" or "ten month*" or "11 month*" or "eleven month*" or "12 month*" or "twelve month*") adj old))

Barn (2-12 år)

Medline: Child/ or Child, Preschool/ or pediatrics/ or students/ or minors/
Embase:  child/ or boy/ or girl/ or preschool child/ or school child/ or Childhood/ or juvenile/ or pediatrics/ or toddler/ or student/ or elementary student/ or middle school student/ or minor/
Psycinfo: Students/ or exp Elementary School Students/ or Middle School Students/ or Junior High School Students/ or Kindergarten Students/ or exp Preschool Students/ or Pediatrics/ or ("100" or "140" or "160" or "180").ag
Cinahl: (MH "Child") or (MH "Pediatrics") or (MH "Child, Preschool") or (MH "Students") or (MH "Students, Middle School")
Tekstord: (child* or pediatric* or paediatric* or preadolescen* or preteen? or tween? or tweenager? or boy? or girl? or kid? or juvenil* or underage* or minor? or pubescen* or student* or toddler* or preschooler? or "pre schooler?")

Ytterligere tekstord til utprøving:
(((age or aged) adj ("2" or two or "3" or three or "4" or four or "5" or five or "6" or six or "7" or seven or "8" or eight or "9" or nine or "10" or ten or "11" or eleven or "12" or twelve)) or (("2" or two or "3" or three or "4" or four or "5" or five or "6" or six or "7" or seven or "8" or eight or "9" or nine or "10" or ten or "11" or eleven or "12" or twelve) adj ("year* old" or "yr* old")))

Ungdom (13-18 år)

Medline: adolescent/ or pediatrics/ or students/ or minors/
Embase:  exp Adolescence/ or exp Adolescent/ or juvenile/ or pediatrics/ or student/ or middle school student/ or high school student/ or minor/
Psycinfo: Students/ or College Students/ or Middle School Students/ or Graduate Students/ or High School Students/ or Junior High School Students/ or Reentry Students/ or Special Education Students/ or Transfer Students/ or High School graduates/ or Pediatrics/ or "200".ag
Cinahl: (MH "Adolescence") or (MH "Pediatrics") or (MH "Students") or (MH "Students, Middle School") or (MH "Students, High School") or (MH "Students, College")
Tekstord: (adolescen* or pediatric* or paediatric* or preadolescen* or preteen? or tween? or tweenager? or juvenil* or underage* or teen? or teenage* or minor? or pubescen* or young* people or young* person* or youth* or student*)

Ytterligere tekstord til utprøving:
(((age or aged) adj ("13" or thirteen or "14" or fourteen or "15" or fifthteen or fifteen or "16" or sixteen or "17" or seventeen)) or (("13" or thirteen or "14" or fourteen or "15" or fifthteen or fifteen or "16" or sixteen or "17" or seventeen) adj ("year* old" or "yr* old")))

(18 er ikke brukt her fordi den voksne befolking blir beskrevet som 18 år eller eldre)

Unge voksne (18-24 år)

Medline: Young adult/ or students/
Embase:  young adult/ or student/
Psycinfo: Students/ or College Students/ or Graduate Students/ or College Graduates/ or "320".ag
Cinahl: (MH "Young Adult") or (MH "Students, College")
Tekstord: (minor? or young people or young person* or young adult* or student*)

Ytterligere tekstord til utprøving:
(((age or aged) adj ("18" or eighteen or "19" or nineteen or "20" or twenty or "21" or twentyone or "22" or twentytwo or "23" or twentythree or "24" or twentyfour)) or (("18" or eighteen or "19" or nineteen or "20" or twenty or "21" or twentyone or "22" or twentytwo or "23" or twentythree or "24" or twentyfour) adj ("year* old" or "yr* old"))).tw